Pretty Little Liars 7×10 Sneak Peek “The DArkest Knight” Summer Finale
Pretty Little Liars 7×10 “The DArkest Knight” (Summer Finale) Sneak Peek – The PLLs confront old foes head-on and mayhem ensues in ‘The DArkest Knight,’ the summer finale of the hit original series Pretty Little Liars, airing Tuesday, August 30th on Freeform, the new name for ABC Family. Fans can catch up on all of the drama with an all-day marathon of season seven starting at 11:00 a.m. EDT and running up to the one-hour summer finale at 8:00 p.m. EDT. The Liars face off with their enemies in a chaotic fight that ends fatally. One of the PLLs learns a secret about her past that changes everything while another Liar discovers something about her future that could alter her course forever.