Switched at Birth 2×15 Sneak Peek #2 “Ecce Mono”
Switched at Birth 2×15 “Ecce Mono” – What if Regina had told the hospital about the switch when she discovered it years ago? And what if both girls had been raised in the privileged Kennish household from age three? In ‘Ecce Mono,’ this alternate reality is revealed: Daphne has a cochlear implant, and doesn’t know American Sign Language. Having been spoiled by her parents to make up for the switch, she’s manipulative and not the best student. Bay, on the other hand, is a straight-A student, often trying to compensate for being the Kennishes’ non-biological daughter. In addition, Kathryn is a successful author of bodice-ripping novels and, while still married to State Senator John Kennish, their marriage is far from perfect.